ExperiAR enhances your customers' online shopping experience

Boost customer engagement, sales, and decrease returns with our Augmented Reality plug in for Shopify!

Key features

Virtual Try On

Easily apply Face-Tracking effects and filters as make-up,beauty effects, sunglasses, and masks, revolutionizing the customer experience with augmented reality.

No-Code Shopify Plugin

ExperiAR is a simple Shopify Plugin that requires no coding skills or complicated installation processes.

Web and Mobile integration

Augment your clients’ customer experience via both mobile and desktop app, seamlessly integrating ExperiAR within your existing plattorms.

Virtual Try On

Manage product variants and upload different 3d models – or let us create them at your will!

Select between different effects/filters directly on app

3d Model Navigation

Let your customer visualize your model in 3d, and let him play with different product customizations.
Customers can view a 3D representation of your products from any angle, rotating and zooming in on the product



Seamless Integration

ExperiAR works flawlessly on all the devices on the market, and it offers a mobile and desktop integration, with great performance and zero lag.



$ 0 Monthly
  • Up to 10 products


$ 30 Monthly
  • Up to 50 products


$ 50 Monthly
  • Up to 150 products


$ 100 Monthly
  • Unlimited products
Intervento finanziato dalla Regione Veneto nell’ambito del FSC (EX FAS) 2000-2006 – DGR 1404/2020 – Bando per la concessione di contributi per il sostegno alle giovani imprese digitali venete al fine di sviluppare servizi di “intelligenza artificiale”

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